What our Customers say...

Community Testimonials

SERVPRO did an outstanding job on our building.  Would call them out again. 

Thank you for supplying equipment for our event!

It turned out to be a great event, thank you for your support SERVPRO. 

Great people, great company.  It was a pleasure to have SERVPRO of St. Clair Shores.

Thank you for your support Jenny and SERVPRO.  Look forward to doing business together.

Love seeing your green trucks around town, reminds me of your company!  Thank you again!

Thank you for your sponsorship, look forward to growing with you.

A great organization with great people involved in it! 

Glad I contacted this company.  Extremely knowledgeable with what they are doing. 

Can truly make it "Like it never even happened."

Very glad to have such a great business local and now a phone call away!